Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia had the honor to host a conference entitled "Innovations in Business" on artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on business, which took place on September 13, 2023 in Kulturpark in Košice. The general partner of the conference was the organization IT Valley. This event welcomed several renowned companies that shared their knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence.
The reason why the company decided to hold this event was explained by one of the organizers: "Artificial intelligence is today one of the most significant drivers contributing to innovation and changes in business. It is a revolutionary technology that is changing our society, economy and the way we do things. Our goal was to create a platform that would bring together experts, AI enthusiasts, and companies and allow them to share their knowledge, experience, and the latest trends in the field of artificial intelligence. We decided to focus on this dynamic area, believing that collaboration and innovation in it has the potential for fundamental improvements in all industries.”
About the conference:
The overall vision and impact of artificial intelligence on business was presented at the conference. The participants had the opportunity to see many interested speakers on main stage, concrete examples of the practical use of artificial intelligence in the products of the participating companies, learn the details of how these innovations work, and also had the opportunity to try some of these products in real life on marketplace. The interactive workshops, on the other hand, offered a deeper insight into the latest technological trends in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning and allowed the participants to participate in a real demonstration of working with AI and machine learning, try their implementation and provide valuable experience in this area.
The companies Deutsche Telekom, ESET, Practicus AI, Gartner, US Steel, VISMA, Ness, Slovak Telekom and ServiceNow analyzedthe topic of artificial intelligence from several angles - AI as a tool for education, AI for service management in informationtechnology, AI as a tool for collaboration in programming, a management perspective on the possibilities of using AI (fromreducing security risks and automation to future trends of abstract syntactic programming concepts), to practical experienceswith common challenges in machine learning projects and practical approaches to solving them.
The conference aimed to bring together different perspectives and knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence and allowparticipants to engage in discussions, meet experts and deepen their knowledge. We believe that this was achieved and thatthis event will contribute to even better cooperation, so that companies in our region and beyond can achieve new innovationsand changes that will have a positive impact on the future of business through joint efforts and mutual inspiration.
After movie:
** Line Up: **
All videos you can find also directly in AI Conference Kosice in YamTube - AI CONFERENCE KOŠICE - YAM TUBE (
Tigran Egiazarov: "Technology impacts and Innovation Insights for Generative AI: What your business needs to know." Tigrandelved into the nuances of Generative AI, discussing its unique attributes and potential impacts on enterprise operations. Heprovided insights into the use cases of Generative AI across various sectors, including Marketing, Sales, and Engineering. Tigranalso touched upon the technical design patterns essential for implementing Generative AI and discussed the value and costimplications of investing in this technology. The talk concluded with future trends and forecasts in the realm of Generative AI.
Martin Clough: "A Leader’s perspective of Generative AI."Martin explored the leadership perspective on the risinginterest in Generative AI. He emphasized the challenges andopportunities it presents, especially concerning softwareengineering in large corporate organizations like ours.
Miroslav Jaščur: "Document AI at scale." Miroslav discussedthe challenges and solutions of processing vast amounts ofreceipts and invoices using transformers that achieve state-of-the-art accuracy. He also highlighted how to servethousands of small neural networks for custom textclassification and the journey of making a generative model aproduct in document AI.
Michal Kováčik: "Exploring new solutions with your data andAI." Michals presented about the potential of Large LanguageModels (LLMs) for developers. Developers are described aspioneers who bridge groundbreaking technology withpractical solutions. Recommendations include diving intoHugging Face, exploring with OpenAI API, and scaling withcloud solutions. Additionally, the Retrieval AugmentedGeneration (RAG) is highlighted, which combines LLMs withexternal knowledge retrieval.
Alessandro Pagano: "An Artificial Intelligence-BasedFramework for Accrediting and Recognizing Prior Experienceand Learning of Entrepreneurs in the EU." Alessandropresented the ARPEL4Entrep project, which aimed toaccredit and recognize the prior experience and learning ofentrepreneurs as part of a Bachelor's degree inEntrepreneurship. He discussed the research methodologies,findings, and the development of the ARPEL framework. Thetalk also touched upon the potential of integrating artificialintelligence to automate and streamline the applicationprocess, addressing challenges like varying documentationacross countries.
Ondrej Kubovič: "Cutting through the noise: An honestconversation about AI in cybersecurity." Ondrej providedinsights into the role of AI-powered systems in cybersecurity.He discussed the evolution of these technologies and theircontribution to threat detection. The talk also highlightedhow attackers leverage AI for malicious purposes and thepotential future implications of AI on the threat landscape.
Dušan Stamenković: "AI in Motion: RevolutionizingManufacturing and Transportation." Dušan's presentationfocused on the current status of AI in the Manufacturing andTransportation sectors. He discussed prominent AIapplications in these industries and highlighted specific usecases where Ness has successfully implemented AIsolutions.
Hakan Eren: "From PoC to impact: How to involve non-technical users in large scale AI/ML projects." Hakan sharedhis extensive experience regarding the challenges faced inreal-life Machine Learning projects. He provided practicalsolutions to these challenges, emphasizing the importanceof involving non-technical business domain expertsthroughout the project lifecycle.
Moritz Kleine: "Generative AI at ServiceNow."
Róbert Vandlik: "Forging the Future: AI-Driven Innovations in Real-time Prediction of Steel Converter Blowing Parameters." Róbert discussed the critical role of AI in the steelmaking industry, particularly in the converter process. He highlighted how AI algorithms optimize the converter process by predicting optimal blowing patterns and sequences, leading to enhanced productivity, and reduced environmental impact.
The Significance of Chapter Organization in Fostering Innovation
In the intricate web of organizational dynamics, it's often observed that the most valuable communication happens in informal and unpredictable ways. Traditional organizational charts, while providing a structured view, often miss capturing these spontaneous interactions that lead to groundbreaking ideas and solutions.
Our Chapter organization is a testament to this philosophy. It's where communities of practice — vibrant communities of experts — come to life. These communities, formed around shared interests and expertise, become hotbeds for innovation. They encourage open dialogue, foster collaboration, and provide a platform for experts to challenge and learn from each other. The value of the event was underlined by participation of Martin Clough, Ors Cseresnyes, Juraj Girman and Michael Herzog- Fismer in the AI Conference in Kosice.
I firmly believe that these communities of practice, nurtured within our Chapter organization, are the key drivers of future innovations. They break down the barriers of formal structures, allowing for a free flow of ideas and insights - great examples are !AI Insights, AI4Coding and AI@Operation groups. In the context of our conference, every discussion, every presentation, and every interaction is a potential spark, feeding into these communities and ensuring that the knowledge shared translates into actionable innovations in delivery organizations.
The AI Conference on The Future of Enterprise Innovation was more than just an event; it was an experience. It provided a platform for learning, networking, and collaboration, setting the stage for the future of AI and ML in the enterprise sector. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, a professional, or someone curious about the future of technology, this conference was a must-attend. And if you missed it this time, make sure you're there for the next one!
Thanks to the Slovak organizational team:
Lukas Sipsky, Pavol Dydnansky, Peter Pastier, Vladimir Turzak, Robert Ondejka, Simona Chovancova, Alexandra Kostelnikova,Veronika Babjakova. Team were able to handle 300 participants and 10 great speakers from USA, Italy, Serbia and Slovakiafrom various companies and organizations.
Also thanks for support to Peter Vagasky, Zora Safranova, Juraj Girman, Andreas Truls, Michael Herzog-Fismer and MartinClough.