Digital ecosystem

At Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions, we are actively contributing to digital literacy and better use of IT in business and everyday life.

Valued member of important associations

Our membership in multiple associations helps to spread IT solutions into all areas of our country:

  • IT Valley
    Košice IT Valley cluster as a mutual initiative of educational institutions, government and IT companies plays a key role in development in Kosice region.

  • ITAS
    A platform of IT sector leaders to create new & innovative IT environment and help building better and progressive country.

  • Slovensko.Digital
    An association focused on increasing quality of public digital services

  • Digitálna koalícia
    DC is a project created as an initiative of ITAS with support of Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak republic for Investments and Informatization with a goal to support public, private, academical and civic organizations in Slovakia in order to improve digital skills for everyone from IT specialists, to people employed in educational system.

Better education for better practical needs

We bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical needs. We want our IT professionals to grow ready for practice. All this is ensured by dual education.